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07/11/11 12:43 PM

#118684 RE: Commando911 #118681

I believe we agree on the point that both can be done at the same time. But for whatever reason, one is being done (making and selling fuel) and the other is not yet being done.

In my mind, I can think of at least two POSSIBLE factors that POSSIBLY dictate that the former (the NY facility) be well underway before the JVs can begin.

1. IF, they only want to use 30-ton processors at JVs and they are still developing or tweeking how the 30-ton processor works. For instance, is the heater that is reportedly being inserted after the shredder needed to improve the processing in the 30-ton vessel?(just a hypothetical example, but it makes the point).

2. IF JB needs the NY facility running with 3 processors in order to do the training that he said it would be used for to train personnel for running JV sites.

These are two possibilities as to why the NY facility might need to be built out before the first JV site can be physically started.

Of course, even if one or both of these factors are real, this would not stop JB from inking a JV.