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07/10/11 10:26 AM

#25569 RE: Muskett50 #25567

Opinions respected!!

Some love it some hate it-do what you like with it :-)
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07/10/11 10:27 AM

#25570 RE: Muskett50 #25567

You will gain credibility, when you understand that this is not a pink sheet stock.
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07/10/11 10:34 AM

#25571 RE: Muskett50 #25567

Exactly! Some pennies, the chart just don't mean anything, the momo created, could shatter ones thoughts, and be left out of huge gains. I believe some are pissed they sold, and want in cheaper. Sorry guys, you might have to purchase higher. :)
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07/10/11 10:57 AM

#25584 RE: Muskett50 #25567

Pharoah and Wolverine have done a great job with their TA and helping the board. Their charts are WAY above average, and considered by many on this board to be very helpful.

I get your point though. There's alot more to this than charts. They get that as well as any of us.

We have some momentum building here, big time. green laws. SO much more than charts are going to impact this.

But I love Pharoahs charts. Great charts. Thanks Pharaoh.