You don't seem to understand the technology they themselves possess... The capability to further their line of streaming revenue in mobile broadband which includes internet and t.v... Why do you think MetroPCS, LightSquared and awhole gang of em were interested?
You don't seem to appreciate the fundamentals in it's entrity...
The revenue was never from the spectrum sold to DISH. It is from the 1.4 Spectrum leased to Harbinger not Dish as you claim. The 1.4 spectrum is valued at 177 million but Harbinger has the option to buy for 250 mill and it may be worth more anywhere up to 400 to 500 mill due to Spectrum Crunch. Terrestar Corp may also recover 80-300 mill in loans from the sale of its Sub to Dish. Do the math
Current Assets : 1.4 Spectrum $200 mill + 80-300 mill due from TSN Notes = 280-500 mill Total Assets
Total Liabilities = 500 mill to convertible preff holders A+ B
Potential Assets:
$200-500 1.4 Spectrum Payout to parent company from Dish : $300 mill Future Spectrum Lease agreements : $24-50 Mill a year revenue
This leaves the company with positive $300 mill in my best case scenario, and regardless a POR will probably have shareholders recieving atleast 5% just like it did in last BK in 2002 Issued=5-02 Pursuant to reorganization out of bankruptcy. Holders of $335 million of Senior Notes to receive approx. 97% of Com (New). Holders of Com (Old) to receive Warrs for approx. 5% of Com (New)