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07/08/11 4:10 PM

#47868 RE: malvern #47864

About Joseph Guba Jr.
"This is a financial blog dedicated to capital appreciation through long term equity investments in respectable companies with sound financials, and through short selling small companies with weak financials.

I graduated in May 2011 with a business finance degree from Kent State University, and I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy to learn what it takes to earn and retain profits. I beat out 50 other Investment students to win a portfolio management contest (earning 10.6% in a 10 week period). I am eventually going to start a cost based system that bases recommendations on each individual’s disposition towards the obvious risks and potential returns that accompany any type of investment. Until then, enjoy the free investing advice.

As a side note, all of the information given on this site is solely intended for informational purposes. All investors should do their own independent research before buying any type of stock, and all investors are responsible for the profits or losses they earn while trading. This blog does not have any liability for any type of problem that may occur because of the information given on this site.

In review, please do your own independent research before getting involved in complicated and risky trades that you may not be prepared for."