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07/07/11 2:03 PM

#47230 RE: tob999 #47216

I know for a fact that they do and that they have been shorting this massively. I have a relative who is an ootions trader, who personally knows some of the guys who have been doing it, when I told him about the TS thing, he apologized for not leting me know earlier about the massive shorting going on. I had run the investment by him, and this is what he discovered(massive shorting) by doing his due diligence. The guys shorting are former and current colleagues of his, when I first mentioned shorting to him 2 weeks ago, he even told me that was not possible. Obviously he found out that shorting was not only possible but was taking place.

I do get the feeling that NITE has got this thing under his thumbs to some extent, but all one can do is hope and hold on based on faith in the patent and product, and hopefully a quick resolution to the issues.

I dont think the lock will spread to other brokerages, if there are questionably issues, apparently the shares were not issued through and of the brokerages now trading.

WE are waiting on news, I have to believe that the company is still viable, because I think the investors would not throw away their money.

When the patent comes through, and I am saying when not if, even if there is an ongoing investigation of shares issued through DTC affected brokerages back to 09, then those who want to buy and sell will simply do so through the "clean brokerage houses.

There is no obligation by SEC or anyone else to even the playing field for everyone by punishing those broekerage house that did not faciliate bad trades, wheteher knowingly or unknowingly.