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07/07/11 7:40 AM

#18534 RE: wdaubie #18533

Not long ago somebody called Gate and was told they had no information about AGEL and everyone had to go through AGEL for any and all information regarding AGEL.

Why would Gate suddenly be so open about their non-relationship with AGEL? There is too much evidence to tie both together. I saved all of the PR to my computer just in case they decided to disappear from the web.

Molinari would not have put his name and monies in association with AGEL and then just walk away after so many investors jumped on-board because of his association now would he? Gate published PR's about the association too.

If it truly is over, then there needs to be a PR's regarding this matter. The investors have every right to expect and receive information. Otherwise, it would look like a pump & dump fraud laced endeavor. I am sure that Mr. Molinari wouldn't want to subject his fledgling company to such distasteful and non trustworthy information. It could be quite damaging to his reputation.