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Pour Bouy

07/06/11 10:43 PM

#868 RE: Ramjam #867

From a potential investors point of view CGAQ seems to be critical, but in reality it is probably one of the best investment opportunities available on the board today.

When you add up all the potential just waiting for final approval and implementation it boggles the mind. It's hard to convenience a potential investor that this penny plus stock is potentially a multi-dollar stock in the foreseeable future. Unless you take the time and do your DD, then you establish the full potential of this stock.

I considered it to be undervalued at .09 when it only offered a single casino that wasn't even running yet. So you can just imagine what my feelings are at present.

I consider CGAQ the Goose that will lay golden eggs once it reaches maturity. I feel like I'm in Alaska during the six months of darkness, but I think I see a glimmer of Sun rise just over the hill. It has been a very long developmental process and has had many hurtles to overcome, but I believe we can see some real hope that we are about to break loose and flex our gaming muscles. These next few weeks will be the decisive measure of what we have here. If it's everything we think it is the ticker will be flying. If for some unknown reason it is not everything we think it is at least we still have an operating casino and a slots parlor with plans for additional acquisitions. That's a lot more then many of the pennies have to offer today and are selling for much more then we are.

What do I think about the CGAQ's situation? I think it is great! That's my opinion, what's yours? PB