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06/30/11 8:23 PM

#145746 RE: PegnVA #145663

How IRRESPONSIBLE is THAT? Ideologically cement-headed, demented DeMint, is one of my favorite YEEHAWS .. all excerpts ..

“We don’t think it is the role of government to intervene,” Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) told the Fox
Business Network last week. “We need to let the market and the laws work the way they are already in place.”

Thirty-six of the 41 members of the Republican Senate minority voted for an amendment by Sen.
Jim DeMint of South Carolina that called for a stimulus package consisting only of tax cuts.

The Republicans' Paranoid Style .. April 21, 2009

In 1964, historian Richard Hofstadter described "the paranoid style" as a periodic recurrence in American national life, characterized by "the use of paranoid modes of expressions by more or less normal people . . . heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy." [...]

Teagate is not the only sign of paranoid reaction. Gun sales have reached record levels, fueled by the improbability that the president is plotting new gun-control laws. Republican Sen. Jim DeMint arraigns Obama as "the world's best salesman of socialism."

Rally 'Round the "True Constitution" .. not ..

Almost a year after she called for an investigation to discover which members of Congress are "anti-American," Minnesota's nuttiest lawmaker is back. In a recent appearance with Fox's Sean Hannity, Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann accused her colleagues of "forg[etting] what the Constitution says" because they are poised to pass comprehensive health-care reform. Not to be outdone, Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina told right-wing activists on a conference call last Thursday that health reform violates the 10th Amendment; he also called on state legislators and governors to "champion individual freedom" by resisting the bill. Two Florida lawmakers beat DeMint to the punch, having already introduced legislation to block health reform from taking effect in their state. ..

How could anyone vote against Franken's amendment? How could anyone deny a women a day in open court for rape
by anyone? How could anyone suggest in any circumstance the rape should not be made public? [...] DeMint (R-SC)

.. oppose EVERYTHING, DeMint, to bring Obama down ..'specially his healthcare reforms ..

ENOUGH ALREADY .. One more ..

Country ? Life expectancy ? Infant mortality rate ? Physicians per 1000 people ? Nurses per 1000 people ? Per capita expenditure on health (USD) ? Healthcare costs as a percent of GDP ? % of government revenue spent on health ? % of health costs paid by government ?

Australia 81.4 4.2 2.8 9.7 3,137 8.7 17.7 67.7
Canada 80.7 5.0 2.2 9.0 3,895 10.1 16.7 69.8
France 81.0 4.0 3.4 7.7 3,601 11.0 14.2 79.0
Germany 79.8 3.8 3.5 9.9 3,588 10.4 17.6 76.9
Japan 82.6 2.6 2.1 9.4 2,581 8.1 16.8 81.3
Norway 80.0 3.0 3.8 16.2 5,910 9.0 17.9 83.6
Sweden 81.0 2.5 3.6 10.8 3,323 9.1 13.6 81.7
UK 79.1 4.8 2.5 10.0 2,992 8.4 15.8 81.7
USA 78.1 6.7 2.4 10.6 7,290 16.0 18.5 45.4

ed. the table is inside, the mess above is symbolic of the mess
conservative irresponsibility and greed has landed us all in ..

it's not a case of Obama coming up with the money, it's a case of dumbass selfish, ideologically celled ultra-
conservatives like DeMint
, who vowed, right or wrong, good or bad nothing matters, but to beat Obama.

Quote: "Our #1 job is to make President Obama a one-term president"
-Repub Senate leader Mitch McConnell, October 2010