If you had attended the AGM one of the comments that came from a board member was about how hard and long John works. He talked about being on the west coast, 3 hrs behind us here in central Ontario. He commented about regularly checking his email before going to sleep and just receiving an email from John. In plain language that means that john was still working at 3A.M. in the morning. That is the diligence that your CEO offers to this company and you as a share holder. He has taken this company shares from .80 to $4.00 this year with more to come but gee he is doing a PISS POOR JOB. Give your head a shake in my opinion. If he is able to get the AGM on the web site perhaps it will happen but give the guy some credit for a change.
Perhaps it might behoove you to delay criticism until the media presentation sufaces before forming an opinion on the decision.
I have also been awaiting the shareholder meeting video but I actually prefer the alternative decision to prepare a media presentation. A video on the website might encourage a few existing shareholders to buy a few more shares. A well done media presentation will likely result in wide distribution. That might result in a considerable and sustained boost in the share price. That might make your friends and family, and other existing shareholders, quite happy.