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Santa Barbara Broker

06/29/11 8:56 AM

#97750 RE: 99leadballoons #97749

With Expo Holdings the game is simple. Their credibility is zero with anyone besides those who have never heard of them in anything but a PR. So, they send out their shills to request proof ("links") that a made up lie about some event actually "doesn't exist" by requesting this proof for deeds that were never performed or events that never happened. All to desperately counter the truth in any way possible. Then, when there is nothing found because nothing ever existed to be found, then that is supposed to prove that Expo's supposed event could have been performed or a business venture could have happened...because there is no proof it didn't. A childish and idiotic game performed by all scams and their shills. With Expo it is just imperative to question the misleading crapola whenever and wherever it occurs and when solid proof exists that the company is bald-face lying...present it for all to see. As was so eloquently done many times here by Mike, Acc, Lucky Loser, Renee and others performing true, vetted, unbiased research on actual facts concerning Expo Holdings. All IMHO.