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05/25/05 9:33 PM

#103 RE: abh3vt #102

I hope they acquire another dozen companies this year.

I understand how you feel, and I know others feel the same way, mainly because the stock has been a poor performer lately, but that's not what this company is all about.

Far from a mature business, the internet is still in it's infancy. THK is out looking for the companies that have developed the concepts and the tools to turn the internet into big and well into the future. As they add new legs to this company it becomes less dependant on any one division, and I believe that there is a strong liklihood that they will hit on a few mega stars along the journey. Imagine if they grab the next Ebay before it becomes the next Ebay....if you follow my logic.

The company did not miss the first quarter, because they did not give guidance for the first quarter. Looking back, when they gave annual guidance without quarterly quidance, it may have been a clue that the year was going to be back end weighted.

One great advantage that this company has is WebSourced. The other businesses that they purchase will all have a built in marketing machine to drive them.

I know that these shares have been disappointing lately. However, I have noticed in recent days that the selling seems to have very much dried up, although the shares have continued to drift lower. All this company needs is a spark....and I really believe that the spark will once again ignite a bonfire! I hate the phrase - patience is a virtue, but it is...