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06/27/11 5:23 PM

#21377 RE: smokey888 #21370

LM!O - Rah Rah, Go Tivus. Too much?

Now that's funny right there! As long as when you say it, there follows a cheerleader jump much like Will Ferrell in the Sat. Night skits.....

A team focused on the goal is difficult to beat.
Honest review of the facts searching for a solution based on truth and best practices will endure the test of time.
A Board built on a positive foundation, encouraging performance and accountability will develop its own perpetual motion than one fraught with strife and doubt.
My mom told me once, if you have nothing nice to say, remain silent.

Have you ever met anyone who is always complaining? After a while, do you pay attention any longer? I am certain, TIVUS monitors the board, post by post. However, I disagree, I do not believe the Property Owners do – whoops I digress. I live & die by sales, customer service is a large part of my success. I turn issues into opportunities, opportunities into more and so on. I find when a client has heartburn and I treat them with understanding & kindness, their disposition turns and soon becomes affable. I believe we collectively on this board can & should get our message across and certainly share ideas back & forth. I do believe biting comments can be re-phrased and curtailed arriving at the same intent.

Long or Short, pink or over the counter, or on the big board – we deserve to speak as men & ladies with character. After all, how you act anonymously speaks volumes about your character. I choose to lift people to their highest and most rewarding selves. I choose to be above board and encourage. It smells better at the end of the day.

Rah Rah, Go Tivus. Too much? - HECK NO!!!!!!!!