This should precede my last post...
From: Joe Canouse []
Sent: June 27, 2011 2:39 PM
Subject: FW: Trophy Resources
Fyi here is the email sent to the principal of Quasar before my meeting w. mineseeker to discuss a merger. We had a meeting and several email exchanges afterwards some even including Jeff D.
Feel free to post if you wish…….
Joseph C. Canouse
From: Joe Canouse []
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 11:57 AM
To: 'Joshua Henderson'; 'Donnell Vigil'
Subject: FW: Trophy Resources
Please find below the email I sent to Mineseekers. I am trying to meet with them this week and will work to come up with some solution to monetize Quasars previous investment in them.
I am emailing you as the previous CEO had discussions outside Quasar’s knowledge for his personal benefit and in interference of the company’s and I do not want to be seen doing the same.
Best regards,
Joseph C. Canouse
From: Joe Canouse []
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 11:53 AM
To: ''; ''
Subject: Trophy Resources
As a shareholder and director of Trophy Resources as well as the President of Quasar Aerospace I would be glad to work with you on a good faith basis to effect a merger between Mineseekers and Trophy. I have without sounding arrogant tremendous experience in helping companies such as yours go public, settle debts, raise funds and manage the public market strategy to maximize the potential of any particular company. Any previous communications notwithstanding I am aware of the tremendous opportunity as well as humanitarian need your company represents and would love to be part of helping you in your efforts.
Joseph C. Canouse