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06/27/11 12:41 PM

#238628 RE: dehydratedman #238616

think that one over texas bud..... glad you are seeking counsel... and lot of dough will be spent (contingency fee?)..... AND when CA is won it will only retro back to when joe was not a part of any MGMENT of QASP.... and try to prove damage and loss of funds by the CA.... almost impossible, may eventually get a hamburger out of Joe plus, geting CA info together for this CLASS of commons.... whoah baby.....did one in Texas almost thirty five ago....Ken XXXX et al vs CITY OF DALLAS, DFW Airport, city of Ft Worth, city of Irving... we won to a in many ways.... and received relief, but monetary to CA, nope,

question: is one now legal to buy qasp shares? judge wants Joe to pay QASP bills.... yet SH is frozen from buyin QASP shares around middle of May.... in a few ticks its gonna be JULY....PP is dead or off the stove... Jeff is raising funds from SH to win quickly in court...and merge ALL SHARES into centecom.....then we get 100M shares out of 450M to be retired to the TA. those 100M NHSH will taken by the TA and made into shares for the QASP commonsharesholders in total that MERGED....
a CA now is being thought about????

SHOULD NOT THESE COMMONSHARHOLDERS NOW BE BUYING QASP SHARES IF THEY WANT TO????? How about Jeff answering that question? how about a REP answering that we have a rep...?
MEANWHILE, QASP is sinking to hit bottom.... and be boxed....
Joe wins....that battle...... then looks for another battle front! NHSH the lastest battle front? yup, troops are already there occuping the future WAR ZONE....
a CA? "think about it" CAT...the shareholders are spread out in many ways... and would be very hard to make a CLASS.