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06/26/11 4:34 PM

#3748 RE: dehydratedman #3746

I don't think anyone could've said it better GeneO...well done!

What bothers me the most is...why do so many people feel the need
to bite the hand that's feeding them FREE food. I've fed wild animals
that just take the food & leave your hand alone...sheesh.

My hope is that Centacom actually picks & chooses who they swap/
PP shares with...if it were my company & I was reading this slander...

I sure would.

PS: I'll give you a call on those my eye on a gold mine. ;-)

crazy horse 0

06/26/11 5:42 PM

#3752 RE: dehydratedman #3746

dehydratedman Joe's Deposition have you seen it ?

I hate to keep harping on this but where is Joe's Deposition ? Come on someone must have it ?

QUOTE dehydratedman
I have been away working for a few days and came back to read the @#$% on this board.

I have to say this...if one is willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with Joseph C. Canouse, please do not be upset/surprised if one is painted with the same brush as him...

Someone said it best, I believe 'Gone Forever', Joe Canouse found a way to create havoc and mayhem toward Jeff/James/Centacom and Joey didn't even have to open his purse strings. He found a few gullible folks, provided them with "documents", gave them the story behind these documents and perhaps promised them something as well...God knows what...(Promise of retribution, wealth, luxury items, in on the next BIG DEAL...I mean what does one ask for in exchange for your soul?)

If everyone wants "documents" I can provide documents!!! Please provide me with the following information, the document type and parties involved, the date of the document and the signatories involved. I am quite proficient in both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and I am able to forge signatures, using my left hand in chicken's blood, if needed.

Please be patient as this offer is a first come-first served basis. I am presently working on a back-dated territory agreement from the 1970's between The Big Bad Wolf and Wile E. Coyote.

ps I wouldn't trust Joe Canouse, or what comes out of his mouth for anything in the world.