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06/25/11 10:49 PM

#1825 RE: DMI101 #1824

DM, I think we all get a little off track (or frisky) at times when emotions about our pet investments and money get stirred up. I deleted a bunch of posts today because they were heading for a 4 way flame war. Ihub policy says to also delete posts that reply to the personal attack posts, but I sometimes have trouble doing that if the reply is calmly worded and does not respond to the prior attack with a counter attack, so at times there are gray areas. I had asked Ihub staff to help me figure out what to do with a few of those posts, that is why they PM'd you, as one of yours had hit the boarder line for me, and I was not even sure what to do. It was also a reply to a post I deleted, and I hub policy called for it to also be deleted, so I asked them review all the posts (even the ones I deleted).

All in all, I think you have done a real good job for the most part as a poster here and as an assistant trying to keep the peace, since our first tussle and chat with Ihub over policy a few months back. So consider this a pat on the back!!!

I have personally seen a huge difference between posts at Ihub, and Yahoo and Seeking Alpha lately, the huge difference being a lack of flame wars here, and a lack of floods of off topic posts, that just annoy people who are busy, but want to read others intelligent thoughts on a stock, and not a bunch of flame war posts and off topic junk posts. I have even seem some people defect from Yahoo lately and join some of the boards I moderate with compliments about Ihub's policy, and how much better it is here than at Yahoo. The difference being I guess that Yahoo is a free for all, with little or no rules.

So for the others here, lets please try and keep our personal feelings about each other, or each others posts or opinions to ourselves, and discuss just the topic at hand, which is Carbon Sciences and any news related to their future. If someone posts a personal attack, please do not reply to it, as it will be deleted when I first see it.

For the CABND bulls that may be new here (and thus do not know me), please keep in mind that I was a huge CABN bull cheerleader here for 2 years before I turned recently bearish. I was the one here who was explaining the complex chemical reaction engineering behind what CABN was trying to do, for those who feared it might be a perpetual motion scam. For now I am short term bearish (for reasons I have already explained), and I have reserved long term judgment for another 6 months or so, till we know more than we know today.

Have a nice weekend!

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06/27/11 2:31 PM

#1830 RE: DMI101 #1824

DMI101... You're doing fine, keep up the good work, thanks. GLTA