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06/25/11 8:03 PM

#45221 RE: Cougar6 #45220

I willing to give him(Turrini)another shot at it. The main problem has been with Daic, Williamson and Pattin. Not Cristian or Dave. Lets see what he can do.


06/26/11 2:26 PM

#45242 RE: Cougar6 #45220

I think Turrini suffers from a delusion that he is competent.

He therefore makes the gross mistake of thinking "more for Turrini" is good for Turrini, even as "more for Turrini" means "nothing for anyone". Even the element of making NOW be the time for Turrini to try to take what Turrini wants... ? Hello ?

I agree with others that what the company SHOULD be focused on right now is winning at trial, and only that... but, Mr. Turrini has REQUIRED that other issues dominate the agenda now, and, it seems, the SEC agrees with Mr. Turrini while thinking that those issues should also dominate the public DISCUSSION now, and not just Mr. Turrini's secret "to do" list... that he is implementing by himself...

The guy is a clueless idiot who is destroying CLYW single-handedly... or he is working for Daic and doing that work more purposefully... or, some of both.

Given Turrini apparently doesn't care what damage he is doing to the company or the stock with his choices... I think it reasonable to assume he expects, for some reason, that he will be able to benefit whether the stock does or not... whether the shareholders do or not. I don't see how you can observe what he IS doing... without recognizing that. I think it is proven fact that Turrini would sell you out for a paycheck... without caring where that paycheck came from... because HE'S DONE THAT BEFORE.

So, he'll destroy the value while trying to take it... which is exactly what we see playing out now. Classic delusional "hand in the cookie jar" problem... that is the same thing as what we saw with Turrini's self dealing re the Baxter patents... which almost resulted in Daic taking everything back in 2008... and WOULD have resulted in that happening back in 2008 without shareholders stepping in to "fix it" then, only in part.

Same thing happening now, again... shouldn't be a surprise. Turrini will take what Turrini thinks he can, without worrying about the consequences... means TURRINI is the problem.

This has to be fixed BEFORE TRIAL... or the most probable result of going to trial will be Turrini selling you out.

Turrini posturing "you need to let me do this, or my testimony will change" ? Good luck with that...

What we see in CLYW being gray sheets / caveat emptor... is purely the result of his efforts recently.

So... Turrini gets "control" while telling shareholders and the rest of the board to take a hike, and, as the result, investors lose the ability to trade shares on the pinks... and are still at risk of having the company be destroyed by Turrini's self dealing.

Turrini won't CARE... as long as Turrini gets "paid"...

And, the natural result of Turrini acting as he is... is to make that result Turrini wants... impossible.