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06/25/11 10:31 AM

#5087 RE: David Lovatt #5085

Hi David...thanks for posting.

To answer your question, rules only apply to some. :-)

in all seriousness -- since you are an officer of the company, you are "fair game" according to the site, whether your are a poster or not.

I believe I speak for most on this board when I say thank you for your honesty regarding your past, and for accepting responsibility for it, rather than sweep it under the rug like a lot of people would have done. It takes integrity to own up to your failures.

I believe I can also speak for most on this board when I say GREAT JOB with the way you are handling your role at DNAD! It is obvious through yours/DNAD's actions that you have the best interest of the shareholders in mind.

best regards


06/25/11 12:04 PM

#5088 RE: David Lovatt #5085

Thanks for your response David. I really hope this stock and company become a success.


06/25/11 12:16 PM

#5089 RE: David Lovatt #5085

I say again, lessons learnt

Right On! We can't go forward looking in the rear view mirror! Just gave you your first member mark for a great post! GL2U


06/25/11 12:22 PM

#5090 RE: David Lovatt #5085

I believe it is David L.....

Make it happen with DNAD and believe me, most people remember the most recent events not the past...

I will never cast stones at a man who admits mistakes, learns from it, and redeems himself...

Make it happen here and go forward. This is your chance to put confidence back into the shareholder regarding your abilities...

The retirment of shares was good, now dont dilute and let DNAD grow where it belongs both PPS and valuation....

Tech stocks in hot spaces deserve higher multiples lets get it there. The investors are long and holding tight and believe...

Lets keep it that way!!!!

GLTY, GLTA investors, and DNAD!!


06/25/11 4:00 PM

#5093 RE: David Lovatt #5085

WOW! Thank You, I am copying this and posting it on some of the other boards that I own shares in. Maybe this we help there CEO learn how to treat there share holders. GO DNAD


06/25/11 9:46 PM

#5102 RE: David Lovatt #5085

Mr. Lovatt I do not Know allot about your past but I personally thank you for coming on this board to address the share holders personally. Love does not remember past wrongs and always rejoice in the truth. Go DNAD!!


06/25/11 10:16 PM

#5104 RE: David Lovatt #5085

Please share with the board on how DNA Dynamics, Inc. is different than the companies you've worked with in the past (disregarding BAC's involvement). Also, when you worked for these companies, what did you know about the corporate entities themselves prior to your employment? Last but not least, have you ever diluted a stock for the purpose of obtaining additional financing for a company that was falling apart (optional question). Thanks in advance!


08/23/12 10:26 PM

#25961 RE: David Lovatt #5085

David Lovatt: You previously claimed that you learned your lesson after dealing with Big Apple Consulting, but it looks like you just switched to a different toxic diluter (Fairhills Capital) who used the same attempt to claim a 504 exemption that BAC illegally used. Do you have any comment about this apparent discrepancy?

Isn't it against rules of this website to comment personally on another user? Don't I count as a user? My ears are burning ;)

However, I agree that I have made some (VERY) bad decisions and, in trying to get out of the mess that BAC left my companies in, I made difficult decisions to try to get the required investment into those businesses. These included making decisions that I wouldn't have made had the company not have been absolutely desperate for investment to keep it alive, support its thousands of customers and ensure the shareholders didn't lose everything.

However, I 'finally' received sound advise from a good attorney and, whilst that led to the DTC putting a chill on one of my stocks (as I decided to put the real story in disclosure on pinksheets) I did the right thing. I stand by my decision.

I cannot disagree with a user that criticise me for decisions in the past. I can only continue doing what I am doing now to prove that I have the shareholders and the company's best interests at heart.

Bear in mind that this is the first company I have served that hasn't been tainted in anyway by BAC. We have a real chance to make something special here if we can just see the positive, change the record and support the company, the management and the shareholder base.

I resigned from all my other posts recently in other companies because I believed it was in the best interests of those companies and to focus 100% on DNAD. I accept all criticism that It appears I walked away, but the reasons are genuine.

I do not blame those who are critical of me, they have never called me, met me, spoken to me and I accept that it looks like a pretty bad record - indeed it isn't a good record. Bad decisions. I say again, lessons learnt.

As George Bernard Shaw once said, "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."

I continue to answer direct shareholder questions. Please bear in mind that I do not have a premium account, I refuse to give this website money and, therefore, I cannot answer PMs,

I welcome shareholder/Hub questions emailed to me on:

I urge those most critical of me to use that method to contact me as I cannot respond to Private Messages on the hub.

So people - how long will this post last before it gets taken down? I give it 2 hours..... :) This time though, I have copied the content and as soon as it is taken down will post it elsewhere on the internet.
