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06/24/11 2:12 PM

#33500 RE: tungtung #33493

hmmmm where should I start? - (long but worth the read. This should be a sticky as well imo)

All these extracts are from News Releases from withing one year to date.

1) In June 2009 the company obtained all rights to the GlynnTech, Inc. cancer drug delivery system, at cost. This includes one issued patent (US No. 7,637,889 B2), one pending application, three years of development work, a prototype, numerous CAD drawings of various embodiments, risk analysis and development pre-FDA filing history. Ken had three meetings with a major pharma company who expressed serious interest and has indicated that a contract will likely be offered for acquisition of the intellectual property after FDA filings have been made, but before FDA approval. If successful, a seven figure payment would be expected.

(2) In February 2010, the company acquired a pending patent application on one of Ken's inventions in the healthcare field, specifically, a cell phone with dual temperature reading and heart monitoring capabilities. The dual temp feature may be used to measure room temperature or outdoor temperature in a first mode, and to measure body temperature to determine presence of a fever in a second mode. The heart monitoring feature includes low, high and irregular heartbeat detection and warning signals (optionally to a wireless remote receiver, such as a doctor or other care center).

(3) Recently, Ken came up with novel methods for inhibiting bacterial release of toxins. Preliminary patent and literature searches are being conducted at this time. If the results are favorable, as initial results indicate, this will be the core of the first SSWC-filed patent application since Ken took over.

(4) Other healthcare developments are embryonic and will be reported at future dates. Because this Division is not producing products, but is dedicated to licensing and/or selling patent rights, profit margins are expected to be atypically large.

What happened Ken?

Ken further stated that the Healthcare Division of the company's Kenergy Scientific Group has been and is accumulating healthcare patents and pending applications relating to diagnostic systems, drug delivery systems and medical and non-medical treatments. The Healthcare Division will not make or sell products or medical methodologies, but rather is expected to generate significant long term revenues through licensing and/or sale of the intellectual property to the healthcare industry. A detailed progress report on the Healthcare Division will be provided in a press release on Monday.

We are devoted to the development and sale of products in four SSWC categories: Solar power systems; Solar products; Wind turbine systems and other Creative products -- SSWC, that's our symbol! We will build value through four mechanisms -- rigorous development of a new inventions patent portfolio; licenses/acquisitions of third party patents; marketing of existing novel products; and development of proprietary products through strategic alliances. (SpeechSwitch, Inc. is an independent, publicly traded company and is not affiliated with iVoice, Inc. or its related companies. We are no longer in the speech recognition systems business.

What happened Ken?

Ken Glynn, President of SpeechSwitch, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SSWC), announced today that the Health Care Division is developing three new inventions and filing three patent applications relating to wound care. One of the inventions involves biodegradable, disposable band-aids and bandages utilizing biodegradable support strips and adhesives with natural algae biomimetic artificial skin material that accelerates healing and absorbs naturally into the body. A second invention utilizing the same wound care technology involves other treatment enhancements included within the biomimetic artificial skin material. The third invention is a collaboration between Dr. Alain Martin and Ken Glynn, as co inventors, utilizing the same wound care technology, but including Dr. Martin's proprietary antioxidant, anti-inflammatory cell growth accelerants. Dr. Martin is the inventor of Neosporin and other successful products, and is currently the CEO of North Cell Pharmaceutical, Inc. SpeechSwitch and North Cell will be equal partners in this alliance.

In other news, Ken announced that he will be interviewed today by the Wall Street Reporter and that the interview will be posted later this week.

What happened Ken? Have you even MET Mr. Martin?

In other news, Ken reported that major retailers continue to view the Kenergy solar iPhone recharger positively and a major sales announcement may come within the next week.

Ken also announced that the first patent application on biodegradable bandages was filed today, that the second will be filed soon and that the joint application with Dr. Alain Martin, (the inventor of Neosporin and other commercially successful products) will be filed shortly thereafter.

What happened Ken?

Ken also confirmed that he was working with one of's distributors to finalize arrangements to launch the Kenergy? iPhone Solar Recharger on

Ken also announced that four new solar recharging backpacks, one solar paneled belly pack, two solar paneled designer pocket books and one solar paneled beach bag (all with multiple adaptors for charging a variety of cell phones, PDAs and other electronic devices) will be added to the Company's line of products.

What happened Ken?

(1) Retail Sales: has completed its testing and evaluation of the Kenergy? Solar Recharger for specified iPhone, iPod, music players and other electronic devices. They have agreed to sell this product on their website and to review other products in the future. The Company is making final contractual arrangements with's distribution subcontractor. Also, a major retailer of portable video games has requested a meeting to discuss carrying that product, and possibly other rechargers, on a nation-wide basis. In addition, two educational product companies are reviewing the Company's products. Discussions continue with numerous other retailers and marketing entities. Sales for fourth quarter of this year are expected to exceed $500,000.00, excluding direct company retail sales.

(2) Telemarketing: The Company is engaging a major production studio to redo the two minute infomercial for the Kenergy? OmniCooker Grill, now that three versions are available. The original airs on the company website, and the new version to be made will be used on future TV infomercials, expected to air within the next four to eight months. The production studio, Roller Coaster Studios, has worked with Glynn on a couple of projects and is most well known for its BMW, J G Wentworth and major bank commercials.

(3) SEC Filings: 2008 quarterly and annual reports are completed and 2009 will be finished shortly. The Company has hired Friedman, LLP to conduct the independent auditing. Friedman group has more than 450 accountants and is one of the top SEC compliance auditing firms in the Northeast.

(4) Patents: The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted a Notice of Allowance on a solar based transportation invention. The patent should issue before the end of November and will be offered to the industry for licensing or acquisition. Ongoing discussions continue regarding the recently filed patent application covering carrying bags with solar powered combination lighting and cell phone recharging.

What happened Ken?

(1) Retail Sales: The Company met with one of the owners of the Shoppes at Flemington regarding the progress of the GREENSMART? retail store at that location. Due to the delays in advancing the finishing work and fit-out at the current location at that mall, the store would not be completed for about five to six months. This was unacceptable and resulted in favorable renegotiations for SpeechSwitch. The parties agreed that the current binder be modified to allow the Company to take a similar space three doors down from the original location. Ken stated that "this gives us completed space with reduced fit-out costs, gets us open three to four months sooner, and at a reduced rent. Also, because we sell iPhone Solar Rechargers and AT&T sells iPhones, we are very happy to be one door way from AT&T at this new location. We should be opening the store by mid-November instead of February. This opens up the Christmas market for 2010 to us and should have a significant impact on our end of year bottom line."

(2) Photovoltaic Installations: The Company has negotiated with solar panel installers to work through SpeechSwitch reps and GREENSMART? store presentations for the sale and installation of home, office and commercial solar panel systems.

(3) Cancer Drug Delivery System Patent Portfolio Development: The Company has completed the proposed product risk analysis and preliminary history on the now patented advanced liquid drug delivery system for chemotherapy and other drugs, and has engaged an FDA consultant to develop an FDA 510K application. Part of the process will involve advancing from demonstrative prototypes to production prototypes.

(4) Other: The sales team will provide a monthly update beginning next week for August and significant sales progress is anticipated.

What happened Ken?

Ken Glynn, President of SpeechSwitch, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SSWC), reported today that the regulatory affairs and quality control consulting firm of Mark F. Schenk Consulting will be advising the Company and coordinating the FDA filing for the Company's proprietary cancer drug delivery system. The design has moved from demonstrator prototyping to production prototyping. Solid Works production engineering drawings will be prepared on the final production design, and new production prototypes will be used to run comparative tests with predicate devices. Once these tests are completed, Mr. Schenk estimated that about three weeks of consulting work would be necessary to complete the FDA 510k application. Under Federal Rules, the FDA will be obligated to respond within 90 days of filing. The Company now owns United States Issued Patent No. 7,637,889 B2 and other related pending patent applications. The target goal is to sell the patent rights and pending FDA application, along with design and other know how rather than self-manufacture. Pharma companies continue to express interest in acquiring rights from the Company after the FDA 510k application is filed and before it is approved. There are four different design variations and this first product focus is for single vial liquid delivery into IV systems utilizing the patented slide valve-bypass outlet features.

What happened Ken?

Ken Glynn, President of SpeechSwitch, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SSWC), reported today that a patent application was completed and filed last week on another solar-related invention. This application, in which Glynn is the sole inventor, has been assigned to the Company. The invention has been developed to enable electric vehicles to recharge in the absence of an outlet designed for that purpose. The idea of electric vehicles with solar panels on its body is not new. However, Glynn pointed out that his invention involves multiple panels that telescope or swing out to substantially increase, by five to ten times, the amount of panel surface area for recharging when the vehicle is parked. The new system may be used for emergency recharges, as well as for enhancing or reducing the need for outlet recharging. The invention is also designed for boats and yachts for recharging the battery systems, especially when batteries go dead at sea. Ken further indicated that he has initiated discussions with major auto manufacturers worldwide to seek a partner for a developmental prototype. Auto manufacturers involved in electric vehicle development include GM, Nissan, BMW, SmartCar and others.

What happened Ken?

SpeechSwitch, Inc. (USOTC: SSWC) Updated Status Report

2010-11-03 11:00 ET - News Release


Ken Glynn, President of SpeechSwitch, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SSWC), today provided the following status report:

1. SEC FILINGS. The drafts of all of 2009 10Qs and 10K have been completed
and under review for filing within the next week. It is expected that
the annual 10K for 2008 will be filed within the next few days. The last
three quarterlies -- 09' 1st quarter, 2nd quarter and 3rd quarter 10Qs
are now being written. As soon as these are completed, the Company will
be current and the caveat emptor is expected to be removed.

2. CORPORATE. The company name will be changed to KENERGY SCIENTIFIC, INC.
as soon as possible. Preliminary steps have already been taken and this
is hoped to be effective in January. Also, the Company is seeking
nominees for two seats on the Board of Directors. Applicants should
submit resumes and/or letters of introduction to Ken.

3. WEBSITE. CEO Central's business development team has been engaged to
construct a new website as a base for the company's product.

4. NEW PRODUCTS. More than twenty five new products have been added and
will be offered before black Friday for the Christmas season. A shipment
of solar paneled, recharger designer pocketbooks as well as shoulder
bags and backpacks will arrive within the next three weeks. Print Media
advertising will be purchased to drive purchasers to the website to
purchase for Christmas.

5. SALES. The contract with Vested Connect LLC for marketing services has
expired and was not renewed. A retired marketing specialist for a major
corporation has been engaged to develop both purchasing and sales

6. STOCK. As of November 1, 2010, just under 8 billion shares had been
issued, with more than 5.3 billion under restriction and not tradable at
this time

Hmmmm let me see now, let me to some simple math here....

2011-05-23 14:15 ET - News Release


Ken Glynn, President and CEO of GreenSmart Stores and Kenergy Scientific, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: KNSC), today reported that a Form 8K Report to the SEC will be filed tomorrow to report the reverse split of the Company's Class A stock in the ratio of one new share for every 800 shares currently authorized, including issued and unissued. Pending review by FINRA, the Company anticipates an effective date of May 31, 2011. Contrary to some speculation, Ken assured the shareholders that he has not sold a single share of Company stock owned by him since he has become an officer and that none will be sold in anticipation of the reverse split. Ken further indicated that with renewed GreenSmart Store franchising interest from a number of diverse parties for possible franchise stores around the country, the imminent opening of the first company store, the success of product sales at various greenfair forums, the approval of three new dealerships for the Company over the past two weeks and the recent linking arrangements for the expanded website, the future for the company appears to be very bright.


2010-06-18 14:00 ET - News Release


Ken Glynn, President of SpeechSwitch, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SSWC) stated today that he has had many requests to update the share status of the company. There are ten billion shares authorized with under 7.2 billion shares issued. Of the issued shares, about 1.5 billion shares are freely tradable, the remainder being under severe restriction (Ken's shares, for example, can only be sold after the company has been brought SEC reporting-current, and then only at the rate of sell off of 1% per quarter -- it might take years or decades!). Ken also stated that he has not traded any shares in the past few weeks, and believes that sell-offs are part of normal and healthy growth of an active stock. He emphasized that the tradable float is less than ten times the average volume over the recent past. Ken also indicated that on Monday, he is meeting with and engaging a bookkeeper and outside accountants to work solely on the SEC filings and believes that the company is on target to bring SEC filings current by the end of July.

hmmmmm .....

JUNE 18th 2010 - 7.2 billion shares issued. Of the issued shares, about 1.5 billion shares are freely tradable, the remainder being under severe restriction
7.2 Billion Issued.
1.5 Float
5.7 RESTRICTED(Ken's shares)

NOVEMBER 1st 2010 - As of November 1, 2010, just under 8 billion shares had been issued, with more than 5.3 billion under restriction and not tradable at this time.
8 Billion Issued
5.3 RESTRICTED (Ken's shares)
2.7 Float

May 23rd 2011 - Contrary to some speculation, Ken assured the shareholders that he has not sold a single share of Company stock owned by him since he has become an officer and that none will be sold in anticipation of the reverse split.

What happened to your 400,000,000 shares Ken? I mean, if you have not sold any since becoming an officer, then someone must have stolen them from you... I don't know. What happened to those 400 million shares? I'm just a guy that you fished, wondering what happened to your shares? Did you sell them and forgotten about it? I mean, you ARE allowed to sell 1% per quarter like you stated. But you claim you have not sold a singe share.... so ...... where are those shares? ..... Shareholders need HONEST answers!!!

Information set forth in this press release contains various "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Private Securities Litigation reform Act of 1995 (the "Act") provides certain "safe harbor" provisions for forward-looking statements. The reader is cautioned that such forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time and/or management's good faith belief with respect to future events, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statement was made. We assume no obligation to update forward-looking information to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by the use of terms such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "might," "plan," "predict," "project," "should," "will," and similar words, although some forward-looking statements are expressed differently. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.

Ken Glynn
908 788 0077