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06/23/11 12:02 PM

#1779 RE: Ecomike #1778

They have a 1000 hours of completed commercial tests from ETF, not 2000. When they have 2000 as they have stated is their objective, perhaps they will publish.


06/23/11 12:25 PM

#1782 RE: Ecomike #1778

Ecomike I have been in CABN since 2007 and they have failed to deliver the promised results, you are right to be skeptical, that said; I think we have a promising technology, if they are telling us the truth, of course. Selling here is what I am doing; We know they will need to raise money unless this tech is so solid they can convince a JV partner to shoulder the Pilot Plant and Commercial Development cost as OOIL is doing with their technology. The present share price will suffer if they need to raise funds so the question is what is my selling price today?


06/23/11 1:07 PM

#1785 RE: Ecomike #1778

Confused by your posts any more Eco
In post 1778 you say

just telling us the good fluffy news, and not any of the bad news

and the most recent post 1784 you state.

in November last year when Byron released the news that their great new catalyst was not patentable after all and everyone was running for cover

So he is giving us the bad news along with the good. The only thing I agree with you on is details. Would like to see some more details