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06/22/11 5:48 PM

#2374 RE: Flatcat #2373

Thanks for the reply. . . By the way, you are on my list as potential draftee for Assi't Mod

Below is a copy of what I-Hub says about posts that should be deleted. . . I'll post this by itself then will come in with the posts that I think may cause a problem under I-HUB guide lines.

Most of the problem I see is in under the I-Hub is mostly in the Guide lines of Spam and off topic. . . I don't think we have a serious problem, but think we need to keep 'our eye on the ball'

Some of the highlighted/underline item are not contained in my recent post, but include some posts I've seen over the past week or so.

Here is a copy of what I-Hub considers off limits for posts

Deletion of Posts
Reasons for deletion include: Personal Attack, Duplicate Post, Spam, Off Topic, Vulgarity, Author Asked to Remove, Violation of Privacy, Threat.

Duplicate – an accidental duplicate post by a single Member. This does not mean a similar message posted previously or the same content posted by a different Member.

Personal Attack – when someone attacks one or more members personally rather than the content of that Member's message. The post does not have to be addressed to the "target" of the attack to be considered a Personal Attack. If it attacks a messenger rather than the message, it qualifies for deletion and it is expected that Moderators will remove it.


Posting the same or similar content to more than two (2) boards within a calendar day;

Posting the same or almost identical post more than twice within a calendar day i.e. "where's the PR?", "anyone seen the PR?", "thought there was going to be a pr today?", "geez, is the pr coming out today or not?";

Sending the same or similar unsolicited PM to multiple recipients

Posting content that is off-topic to the subject of a board

Posting statements that do not add value to the discussion (i.e. simply "LOL" or "Yes");

Posting excessively on one or more message board(s). If you feel someone is abusing their posting privilege in this manner, please discuss this with a Site Admin prior to removing any posts.

Spam that overlaps off-topic (see below) are posts containing content promoting other sites, stock-related or not, that has no use in the discussion (for example, if your board is about Ford Motor Company, a post or link about a home improvement company is
not relevant to the discussion); and posting the same "noise"

posts i.e. "to da moon" or "this stock is a POS" continuously without other relevant content. This does not mean that if someone asked about dilution yesterday, a similar post today is considered spam.

Off Topic
Posts not about the topic of the board including other stocks or companies.

Posts about or focusing on other Members or groups of people and their reasons for posting on the board (i.e. "XYZDownDaDrain" is just a basher, ignore him", "XYZToDaMoon" is a pumper", "the naysayers are very loud today", "c'mon, where did all the cheerleaders go?"). The post does not have to be addressed to a specific person. If the post is about other Users then it should be removed.

Posts with religious or political statements should be removed as "off topic". These inevitably create an avalanche of replies that are off topic as well.

Posts about Moderators and/or deletions are also "off topic". Issues of this nature need to be discussed with a Site Admin.
Putting "ot" at the beginning of a post does not make it acceptable. It is still off topic and eligible for removal.

Vulgarity – profanity of any kind is unacceptable on the stock boards, even when punctuation characters are used to "fill in the blanks" or letters are changed (f**k, azzh*le, etc.). The PG13 rule is loosely used as a guideline to what is/isn't acceptable. The theory is that if society has deemed it appropriate for a 13 year old to hear, it is unlikely that it will be offensive to the majority of Users. Any form of vulgarity directed at another User is unacceptable and should be removed (i.e. "you're a sh*thead", "being an a** doesn't help your case").

Author Asked to Remove – when a Member has specifically asked that a post be removed and has cited a valid reason for removal, such as accidentally revealing personal information. This is an occasional accommodation and is not to be used to "mask" the removal of bona fide TOS violations. If you are asked as a Moderator to remove more than 2 messages as Author Request, please send the User to discuss with Admin.

Violation of Privacy – posting of what the member believes to be any personally identifiable information (email, real name, phone, address, etc.) about another User or posting the contents of a private message. For example, if a Member posts that "XYZDownDaDrain is actually Bob Smith", whether the information is accurate is a moot point. The Member was trying to disclose personal information. Posting or referring to the contents of private messages without the author's prior consent is considered a violation of privacy and can get you suspended or terminated from the site.

Threat – a Member threatening any other Member in any fashion and threats of violence or physical harm against anyone.