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06/22/11 1:02 PM

#122093 RE: ronpopeil #122085

It looks like my post about FCSC three weeks ago was spot-on. From #msg-63888868:

…I don’t especially care if laViv gets FDA approval on June 22 (or any other date); the salient point is that laViv does not satisfy an unmet medical need and is destined to be a commercial bust.

I had this kind of discussion with iHub posters who were wildly bullish about SOMX’s Silenor and DDSS’ Oleptro. These stocks were heavily pumped on iHub (as FCSC surely is now), the companies got FDA approval, the drugs are utterly inconsequential in the commercial marketplace, and the former pumpers are MIA. FCSC will follow the same script, IMO…

Although you will probably argue vociferously that the company has a great future, behind closed doors you probably feel that you were conned: you took a huge risk, the drug got FDA approval, but the share price is a big yawn. Eventually, you will have to admit (privately, if not publicly) that this drug has no chance whatsoever to capture more than a minuscule share of the market for aesthetic medicine.