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06/22/11 10:57 AM

#12568 RE: skibum2k #12567

Hey ,no bad feelings anywhere .I have nothing against you or Jersey or even Gill. I make my decisions and I lie where I have made my bed.
If you want to call me good that is your perception same if you call me a cheat or a lie-er. When something DOES bother me indicates some truth hidden in it and I (begrudgingly ) need to look at it. If what I say bothers no one including Jersey harm taken and this is a board open for offering all viewpoints. I have been ripped off in more than one penny scam and the story has followed the very similar time line and good cop bad cop notice board antics as GSI . So... I point it out . No more no less.
Take it or leave it. I have a lot of GSI shares but I don't hang on Jersey's every word . I have done that in other scams. Just a waste of time . In the end Gill will either show his stripes or fade away as the numbers reduce to one or two hopefuls.
Sure hope I am very wrong . I would love a chance to cash out of this black hole.
JUst saying my bit .
with love and best wishes for all in this life education.