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06/21/11 11:24 AM

#16330 RE: prof #16328

unconvinced Share Sunday, June 12, 2011 6:52:14 PM
Re: None Post # of 16328

For all of you who think I am just a giant negative Nancy, I would like to make a post that is not all gloom and doom. I told Kop that I would also add what I think they can do to fix it so here goes.

1. Issue Dividends
This is the longest standing issue and it will be repeatedly brought up as an example that Emax does not do what they say they are going to do. Issuing the dividends would go a long way to showing shareholders they are serious.

2. Audit the Financials
You guys seem to be a forgiving bunch (unlike myself) so even if the audited numbers don't match up to the previously released unaudited figures; I think they would still win. That is, if the numbers aren't so far off as to indicate gross exaggerations throughout.

3. Release the Buyback Info
People are skeptical that a buyback is actually happening. The company claimed it was going to buyback shares until the stock price reached $0.50. If they indeed are buying back stock in any significant quantity, then releasing those numbers can only help their credibility.

4. Stop announcing things they "intend" to do
They always announce things they "intend" to do. They have "entered into a purchase agreement" or "signed a letter of intent". They "plan on" "preparing to finalize" things in the "near future". They need to cut out the ambiguous language in their PRs and not announce things until they are completed or are a done deal. Using clear language makes them liable for what they say, but it also shows the shareholders that they are serious and that they mean what they say.

5. No more numbers games
The Salvage company deal and the MPIX deal tell me that they have been valuing their transactions according to what they think the company is worth as opposed to real market value. Things are only worth what you can get someone to pay for them. Stating your shares are worth a certain amount means nothing when they are currently trading much below that. Future transactions must be realistic and in line with the real market value of the companies involved.

6. Figure out what type of company they want to be
This company is all over the place with the type of projects they propose. You won't see Apple drilling for oil because that's not what they do. If Emax intends to be a holding company that invests in several industries, they have to show that those investments are earning them money. Statements in their financials showing "Investments into Media and Network Companies $5,492,942 tells the shareholders nothing about any actual investments. They need to publish which companies they are invested in and how many shares or percentage of the company. That way the actual value of the investment can be calculated.
Since they claim that music is their area of expertise is music, I suggest they just focus on that.

7. Be a Music Company
They should choose their top 5 songs, their bottom 5 songs, and 5 songs in the middle range and take a week or two to digitally remaster them if necessary. Once that is complete, they should put them on iTunes and other currently available digital outlets. There is no way Emax will be able to compete with the current digital marketplaces. By taking these songs and putting them on iTunes and other media outlets, they can come up with a much more valid guess of how much revenue they can generate and how much their music library is actually worth in today's market. This will also allow them to point to shareholders that they have music available and they can show revenues in their financials statements as actual sales instead of sponsorship revenue.

8. Music Licensing
If they do own the masters to the music they claim, the majority of it is older music. Yes, I know that Frank Sinatra and Ray Charles are legends but I still do not foresee the kind of money they are talking about from digital downloads. Duke Ellington may be 10 times the musician that Lady Gaga is, but he's just not what the kids are buying. They need to figure out a way to earn licensing money from these songs being used in other music, movies, and events and be able to attribute revenue generated as such.

There are many other things that I think they should do. I have my reasons as to why I think some of these things have not been done but this particular post is about positivity. Anyway, those are my thoughts.


Agree. Keeping this one on TOP.