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06/19/11 6:29 AM

#97208 RE: Renee #97204

Apparently Nevada Holdings Corporations have a failing in keyboard usage.

Thank you for this info...

Santa Barbara Broker

06/19/11 8:29 AM

#97209 RE: Renee #97204 elegant explanation that even further uncovers Exeo’s dedication to destroying their shareholder's equity while in pursuit of creating P&D situations for their own PIPE fenders and insiders to dump discounted shares. One obvious fact remains regardless of the Expo PR employee's point about R/S filings being used to increase the A/S. The company filed for A/S increases six times in rapid succession (as they had in all previous A/S filings) using the appropriate form. Then, on the FINAL A/S increase filing to date, filed an R/S request. When later presented with the form to do an amended filing showing the original was intended to be an A/S increase ONLY, they refused and continued to lie about it being impossible to amend. That clearly shows the intent of the company from day one. The BS implication about it being "normal" to use the R/S form for an A/S being just BS. All IMHO.

**Edit for grammar/sp**


06/19/11 11:03 AM

#97214 RE: Renee #97204

i haven't a clue why anyone who is well versed in
the process would expect expo to NOT do a r/s


they most certainly will but they aren't THERE YET

as there are very specific reasons a company does a R/S
let me remind all that mgmt holds restricted COMMON
.. meaning they too share the fate of all
EXPO shareholders re: PPS


legit co.s come public to access capital and grow

folks can discount the worst economic impact the
country has had in over 70 years .. their choice

the fact that mgmt raised their AS via NV SOS starting
in MARCH 2010 and *articulated* exactly WHY via their
shareholders section on their website and PRs' ISSUED
~ is part of the transparency i look for .. those who've
done their DD know full well why cash flow has stabilized

and i thank those folks kind enough to visit the company
in person and post pictures for all of us who can't

adding CIMA and partnering with NRS <to say nothing of
NRS leasing space currently not used by expo> is both
agile and diversifying .. again considered a positive
and to consistently *retain* customers and continue to
add new ones .. is also a positive

barring unforeseen circumstances <a la ETC not spun off
and co.s workhorse weeke router going down> it's clear
that 20 weeks since mgmt last raised AS .. is a POSITIVE

and since mgmt gave 2 material events this month alone
via their website .. i'd lay odds that there is a PR coming
out b4 eom that covers those items (50k shaved off debt and
the 1500 item order that starts in 45-60 days> plus whatever
else is or has happened this month

that would be the 4th pr issued for 2011 ..
there were 18 issued for 2010 ..

as for fy 2010 fins .. they were due at the end of march 2011
that is less than 3 months ago not a year as has been posted

as i've posted .. it's clear that at least 2 Qs were impacted
by the router going down for 6 weeks in OCT 2010 .. the ? is
will it be just the 2 Qs or will it be 3?

imo the next PR/UPDATE out of mgmt <july or so> giving the
cash on hand and what amt left of their LT debt is paid down
gives an idea .. to say nothing of each week/month since AS
was last increased


btw .. the R/S .. <for those who may not know would come about
when mgmt uplists .. which clearly isn't happening in 2011>

i'm inclined to believe it's not happening in 2012 .. but i'll
never say never .. a large part of the *unknown* is the *intent*
of the new ceo .. which is why i want the info specific to ETC

all jmo