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06/17/11 1:00 AM

#6788 RE: ih8aloss #6787

All the "more reason to go Solar" is right...

interestingly, just beyond the one minute mark, a guest speaker went on to point-out that the flood level was expected to rise another 5 ft beyond the already flooded reactor complex levels at that time. They said there had been a fire in the coolant system for the 'spent fuel pools' (sounds familiar) but authorities had claimed no radioactive releases had occured (& we all know they wouldn't lie about that^#@#). The guest speaker also pointed-out that there are a series of 'earthen dams' upstream of this facility that are full to the brim & should any one of those would [in-effect] result in an inland tidal wave & create another Fukashima out of that facility...right there in Nebraska. Not feeling to comfortable about where I live either...I've got Diablo Canyon's sister facility (San Onofre) in 'my' back yard....a similar profile to Fukashima's seaside location. I was considering moving to France a few years ago until I learned their 'primary' source of energy nationwide is nukes.

I hardily dislike the role of being a harbinger of doom but damn-it...this crap has to stop...I want my childrens children to grow up in a 'safe' world...and this world is getting smaller all the time. 'Retro-active' doesn't cut-it...they 'have to be' pro-active on this & put peoples lives before corporate profits...a near impossible feat to realize I know...governments do their finest work , looking in their rearview mirror.

I could go on-&-on about really disturbing things I've uncovered while doing my DD research in the physical sciences...things that are sanctioned & 'overlooked' (or covered-up) by developed governments for the sake of industry. And perhaps even more disturbingly , I've noted that there doesn't seem to be anybody keeping track of these serious threats to our safety on a worldwide basis...not even the 'opposition'. I could show you evidence of things that would make your hair stand on end...things that would make you want to install a geiger counter in your car before taking a trip cross country...or make you think 3 times about eating fish from the sea & the reason why whales beach themselves (the Navy knows)...or calculate the odds that Las Vegas might still glow in the dark...even after all the lights are turned-off.

This is giving me a headache's going to take a whole lot more than just me to change any of this. A whole lot more 'transparency' in government & industry would be a nice place to start...we damn well have a 'right' to know...this 'small' planet is 'our home' & these hazards know no borders.