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06/17/11 11:05 AM

#143900 RE: ordinarydude #143780

dude: I agree with you...complete stranger

is inappropriate. However, this forum is completely
different. I have not gotten graphic other than
saying porn and masturbation, but the fact is, we
sweep this issue under the rug.

The Culture of Secrecy when it comes to sexual sin
is OVER. If someone wants to keep it secret and
hammer away at the porn, infidelity, even worse, have
at it, but there is now help for those that want it,
and the help will continue to increase as men come
forward and say Enough is enough.

I feel sorry for Weiner. I don't agree with his
politics, but I know what it is like to hold on to
a secret for years, stands as a coping mechanism,
and eventually ends up destroying you and those around

Sexual addiction takes no prisoners, and is an equal
opportunity destroyer.

Now again, I do want to add a disclaimer to that small
% that just does not get it. For that group, continue
to make fun of this, or me, don't admit it's a problem,
and if you yourself are an addict, continue as you
normally do.