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06/16/11 1:00 PM

#5295 RE: sawtrader #5294

I am actually fairly new to trading stocks. Figured it is no riskier than gambling at a casino and the odds were better so I though I would give it a try instead of trusting someone else to invest my cash again.

That being said I am a quick study.

I do question the implied conspiracy you elude to which suggests that the mm's actually give a damn one way or another about what a stock does..... granted I could just be ignorant in that regard, but I find that pretty hard to believe.

I could see it with stocks like Boeing, Ford, IBM, etc, but considering what exactly we are trading in here I find the idea that big time traders give a rats patooee about what happens with the pps of pinks, there is just too damn many of them out there for the mms to care one way or another IMO.

Unless of course you have some evidence to the contrary to support your conspiracy ideas.