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06/16/11 8:37 AM

#113970 RE: Artiztic1 #113965

No confusion here Raw. A cap is a cap and currently they have a annual cap that falls far short of thier annual capacity - just keeping things real.

In keeping it real, one should note that you nor anyone else that I have read here knows the true full capacity limit of the 30-toin units, so you do not know what the capacity of the full plant (1 20-ton and 2 30-ton) actually will be.

It has been assumed the 30-ton does 50% more than the 20-ton but we do not know this one way or the other, as of yet.

Hell, we do not even know if the 3rd 30-ton processor in our possession is intended for the Niagara plant. Maybe the 3rd one we are aware of is headed somewhere else and the 4th or 5th unit will be the one placed in the NY plant??

Additionally, it has been noted by a few here that the company has indicated the Niagara Falls plant will be used for training for personnel to working at remote sights. Training inherently suggests that the plant will not run at its maximum capacity, day in day out, particularly if the rollout is done at a quick and consistent pace, requiring regular training of people every other week or something like that.

So, while you may think the permits placed a less-than-capcity cap on the 3-processor plant, you are making several assumptions and your statement is not strictly based in fact.

I think I will wait and see before I assume JB asked for a limit of something less than he intends to process or before I assume the NYDEC put some limit on JBI that was not expected by or somehow restrictive on the company.


06/16/11 8:42 AM

#113971 RE: Artiztic1 #113965

I really like this new discussion. We have evolved from the "scam vs. heaven on earth" battle to a "now vs future" conversation.

Reading filings and permit apps. gives us the equivalent of looking at a photograph. These docs. give us a snapshot of a moment in time, in affect, they are historical docs. as soon as they are issued. The "now" side points to the snap shot and says, see, this is all we can say about the situation, and they show us proof by holding up the picture, saying let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The future guys say, ya, but that is old news, they have already moved on from there, or will shortly.

If you look at a financial filing, even the SEC recognizes that a historical snapshot is not accurate enough, that is why you have a section in Q's and K's called "Subsequent Events", things that have happened in the 45 days since the last snapshot was taken. (end of Q or year)

The stock market is all about looking forward, stocks are never priced at exactly what is happening today, if they were, we would consider them undervalued, the market always projects.

The latest DEC app., and it's capacity limitations, are just the most recent photo of what JBI is allowed to do commercially. You two are both right, one saying "this is what is" and the other saying, "but it could be", the stock will trade on the latter, just the way markets work.


06/16/11 9:52 AM

#114031 RE: Artiztic1 #113965

You're still confused. Says right there in the permit a simple letter and the capacity in the solid waste permit is expanded.