ironically those friends are easily sourced of course it never hurts to have feet on the street aiding and abetting DD whenever possible on the local level .. a lesson i learned well from another totally legit co. a few years back
it was a 4 year *saga* b4 that co. uplisted to the naz on 1/18/2007 ..
as for this
it's a little hard to *trade* when certs aren't deposited in a brokerage firm .. and speaking strictly for myself
i don't trade .. but based on MY DD i've doubled my original shares held over the course of the last 9 months due to knowledge specific to how legit co.s like expo holdings are *handled* on the OTC
it all comes down to one's personal risk/reward .. knowledge of why a totally legit co.s stock would be *taken to the cellar* and one's respective experience <both business and of the OTC>
== you know back in july 2009 jd guessed that the float was 100M that was when the SS was approx 980M and the AS was 1 BILLION
today .. i'd guess the float is 1 BILLION .. with the OS and AS are essentially maxed at 3.3 BILLION ..
looking forward to expo holdings having their first ever CONTENT driven run based on facts .. SS .. float and what shares held restricted and never deposited .. since there truly are LT investors in expo holdings
Lucky, how could you so articulately explain the common sense to EXPH and their management and then consider your quote?! I don't favor or reward deceit, just expose it. It's called honest retribution.