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06/13/11 5:36 PM

#95700 RE: discreet_suffolk #95682

I invest not trade. I can wait

There is nothing sacred about the word invest as opposed to trade. In fact they can be readily interchanged.

Worst case scenario here is the remaining 1M shares get trashed, before I can unload. If the stock never recovers, still have the profit previously locked in.

Best case scenario is the 1M is unloaded at cost or above, and I can use that profit to rebuy at a much lower level. And yes I'd trade off any subsequent pumps.

In either case I can wait forever, and the profit remains.

In some of my big board stocks I've invested in, I'd gladly trade out of, if I got a short term spike out of them. If the political games on the debt ceiling continue into mid-July this market will tank hard. Not going to be patient, or wait around for that to happen - if I can escape.