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06/11/11 6:12 PM

#143138 RE: StephanieVanbryce #143136

Forest Fires can be a Tactic of Terrorism

It sure would be a lousy chicken-shite way to wage terrorism and i don't know if any do,
was just a thought .. seems others have considered it, too .. just picked this one up ..

By Barbara Finney
Mar 6, 2011

Halfway up the Dragons Tooth Trail which intersects the Appalachian Trail Photo
by Barbara Finney

More than 100 forest and brush fires broke out this week in Virginia, West Virginia, and surrounding states. Could terrorism be involved?

A brush fire, which is still being fought, broke out near the Dragons Tooth Trail .. .. in Catawba, Virginia. The Dragon's Tooth fire was first discovered on Saturday, Feb. 19th, and is burning mostly on the Craig County side of the trail in an area known as Pickle Branch. The Roanoke county side of the trail, where the main parking lot for the trail is located, was closed off Sunday and Monday and likely is still closed as the fire is still being fought as of the last report. It is in a pretty rugged area and not an easy place to fight a fire. The dry windy conditions favored the fire. Impending rain in the area may help.

Most Causes of Forest Fires Break Down into Percentages

However more fires than this broke out over the same weekend. Hundreds in Virginia, 26 or so in West Virginia, some in Maryland and in other states have all been reported. Most are thought to have been caused by the usual things that cause forest and brush fires. Lightning which is a often a cause, has not been around in Virginia for some time and is not likely a cause.

The Virginia Department of Forestry .. ..
breaks down the cause of most forest fires in the following percentages .. '20% by arson'


06/11/11 6:13 PM

#143139 RE: StephanieVanbryce #143136

Stephanie -- authorities suspect it got started by a campfire, per arizona1's


06/12/11 12:28 AM

#143192 RE: StephanieVanbryce #143136

Edit: OT .. great show on Sydney SBS now

2:00 E2 Energy

State of Resolve - Could California's progressive energy policies spearhead a nationwide shift toward cleaner energy? The remarkable laws that California has passed under former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to regulate greenhouse gas emissions perpetuate the state's reputation for environmental leadership across the country, and potentially the globe. Narrated by Morgan Freeman. (From the US) (Documentary Series) (Part 5 of 6) (Rpt) G CC ..

I don't know if you could watch it easily live ..

It's excellent .. hmmm, just thinking you may have seen it already there .. heh,
that one just finished .. another on .. maybe it's continued, not sure .. anyway ..

This is the fifth in a series of video podcasts for the PBS series e2 energy. Each podcast takes you beyond the episodes and deeper into the world of alternative energy. This podcast features Terry Tamminen, a policy advisor to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on energy and environmental issues, who helped draft much of the state's forward-thinking environmental policy. Tamminen discusses California's achievements, and the imperative of new laws and policies that promote sustainabile practices.

e2 is an ongoing documentary series about the economies of being environmentally conscious. Visit or http://www.e2-

Well done, California ...........