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06/11/11 1:00 PM

#237869 RE: kds_1970 #237867

From everything you have said , brought this deal together with Quasar and Centa. You say you were paid 20 K to do this for Quasar, by Jeff.( Then you said Dean was a Crook)
2.Joe comes in to stake a claim
That fell through ( because of Joe and Dean).
3. You then tried to broker the MOU between the embattled parties for 200K, which included paying the thief DB a ton of money . ( No One was a crook and they all win )
That fell through, Because it would reward JOE, DEAN, And yourself but no one else. (Now you say Jeff is a Crook)
4. You come on boards and slowly start slamming James and Centa( who you brought in and claim to be "friends" with)
5. Your then buddies with Joe C ( who is still tight with DB) and James and Jeff are bad guys.
6. when you all are called out on DB enough and DB gets called in for a deposition , you all start claiming that DB will soon get his. Joe would never do that before.....

1.whoever pays you , you side with, no matter the facts.
2.You roll on your "friends".
3. DB either testified and named you and Joe or he refused on 5th and will be talking a plea
4. You picked the wrong side.


06/11/11 1:23 PM

#237871 RE: kds_1970 #237867

I'm just calling a spade a spade. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable - I could live with less condescending lecture, but it's funny how milking shareholders for self-enrichment can be compared with paying tolls to support the highway system -- just the attitude of self-importance and entitlement we've come to expect.

Your characterization that Jeff and James thought they could acquire QASP for "free" is silly and wrong considering they were exchanging shares in a company with much better prospects for shares in insolvent QASP -- but keep going with the self-serving spin -- someone might believe you.

Swapping shares of stock doesn't change the assets or liabilities of QASP or its business prospects. (Stop me if you know this, as I think you do). It merely would concentrate ownership in the hands of someone with resources to protect the common shareholders interests -- which would make it harder for you and Joe to shear the sheep for personal benefit. Horrors.