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06/11/11 7:38 AM

#40291 RE: itza65 #40282

I agree. Instead of pocketing my free shares, I used them to double down on HLNT. Now I'm down 50% on my positions. Still I expect a great reward, only not as soon as I had hoped.
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06/11/11 5:57 PM

#40305 RE: itza65 #40282

I'm reminded of a friend of mine who found a 20 dollar bill which he used to buy lottery tickets. He never buys lottery tickets. But somehow, he thought of that 20 bucks differently than 20 bucks he earned, and spent it differently.

It is different. His net worth prior to finding the 20 bucks will be the same as after he wastes it on lottery tickets so its a net zero transaction and he is left no better or no worse off (unless he scratches a winner).

If it was his own money that he worked hard to earn, he would not have spent it on lottery tickets because its a frivolous expense that decreases his net worth.

I would wager that more people behave like your friend (myself included) than behave like you in this type of situation.

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06/11/11 10:24 PM

#40306 RE: itza65 #40282

itza, you are not "trading them differently" but simply removing
risk, YOUR CAPITAL, from the equation.

That is all anyone here is trying to tell you. It is not anything
more than taking risk out of a very risky investment vehicle here
with penny stock equities.

If your friend then hit on one of his scratch off's, would he then
have doubled down? Using the same logic he applied in his first
action, the answer would like be yes.

Well, found money or not, some investors here are saying take out
your seed money (capital preservation is KING) & then keep/put the
"free money" (earnings, winnings, or shares-- or some portion
thereof) back in play!! But, capital preservation & "greed
management" is what some folks are after by riding free shares