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06/10/11 7:48 PM

#34593 RE: frontloading #34587

CUSSTOMS {sp] doesn't have a sight for the public..i tried asking a guy earlier here who said he worked as a customs inspector to maybe poke on his computer and see if it had cleared or even had arrived..he got all snotty and said do it your self.. then i knew he was lying about working for customs..


06/11/11 10:23 PM

#34768 RE: frontloading #34587

DD Site?! --Panjiva (monthly fee) core service is based on analyzing raw data about port shipments provided by the us customs service-then letting people search its directory of more than 20 million shiping records about more than 700,000 companies.. AHN Biotechnologie gmbh is one company, imagine sfio another..for the serious investor, this might be a valuable tool in researching sfio situation, interested investors could verify whenever shipments made from ahn to sfio anywhere worldwide..dates, weight,customs data,recipients..more..just a thought for the curious.