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Replies to #8567 on Cat House
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06/10/11 7:06 PM

#8576 RE: SunScents #8567

i agree with some of your points but some i disagree with. i do think he is selling us out just like he did Isreal, i don't think he is an american citizen, i do think he is muslim, i don't trust him. I don't want higher taxes. we are taxed enough all the way from federal down to state and local. i think lobbying should be illegal. i think you could correct a lot of problems if special interest groups and lobbyist were kept in check. the problem i see is extremeism on both sides and egos on both sides. his health care bill is a disaster. i don't have all the answers either but i'm concerned for my childrens future. i'm a small business owner in the entertainment business. with all these taxes and uncertainty in the economy people are cutting back spending tremendously but the government is not. where does it stop. unfortunately i would have to agree i don't think palin is the answer. i consider myself a reagan conservative and right now do not see a good republican candidate!