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Replies to #8561 on Cat House
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06/10/11 6:20 PM

#8565 RE: bulldogs21 #8561

No bulldogs, I'm not.

I want our asses out of the two wars we're in. I want taxes raised and the budget cut. I want reasonable health care. I want a secure Social Security System. I want clean air and water. I want modern energy and to get away from fossil fuels. I want a President who gets along well with the opposition. And I want the government to stay the F... out of my life as far as religion and things like that go.

And President Obama isn't getting me to where I want to be.

But, I'd vote for him again, if my only choices are the current bunch of Republican hopefuls. I just don't see anybody that can do a different job than what is currently being done.

I think the far right has painted a picture of President Obama that is false. He's not a Muslim, but it wouldn't bother me if he was. He isn't selling us out to anybody. He's just not the leader that I had hoped he would be.

I supported John McCain with thousands of dollars right up until he asked Palin to be his running mate. That was the mistake that gave us Obama. I'm afraid the Republicans might do something like that again to us.

I think that as Americans we all deserve better leaders at all levels than we have now.