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12/28/02 12:53 AM

#59571 RE: mlsoft #59567

mlsoft-- only in America! However, I fear our decendents will be living in poverty. Additionally, in the future those that show concern for an enemy will simply be shot. Those that say any thing like what was mentioned here tonight (pro or con) will also be shot or imprisoned without a trial. We have a strong military that does not have the full backing of the country which weakens it tremendously. Those whinning about the US holding some in Cuba do not understand 1st, some certainly would like to kill us even at the cost of their own life, 2nd- they are living better than in their entire life. If the tables were turned and those were our military captured by terrorists, they would have been tortured until all info was given then they would be executed. Any one that whinned about their treatment would have recd the same execution. The general population of the US is weak. They cannot handle the requirements of survival of future generations. Weakness grows with each generation.
Before politely slapping an idiot some months back, I listened to his whine about a Marine in a restaurant as the idiots son in baggy pants, metal through his tongue & eye brow, purple hair that was a total disaster, & etc stood beside him. The draft is needed to make that type of slime into men or to be used as cannon fodder BEFORE they further polute the gene pool. Now-- this post may really get the far left/right spewing the BS! LOL!