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06/08/11 6:40 PM

#240903 RE: tryoty #240902

If Offer is keeping Ntephe on toward participating in the final sale of ERHC (seemingly at a healthy price/SP), Ntephe certainly falls short in helping to fulfill these aspirations. Why then does he continue on? If this represents a SEO play to insure loyalty/his own power, it seems illogical that SEO would do this at the expense of SP. On the surface all seems painfully clear. I would like to think there is something (perhaps many things) going on beneath the surface which eludes the minority shareholders. No doubt my logic is tainted by wishful thinking. It is obvious that SEO *has* money. But if like most Nigerians, he functions on the "never is enough" mentality. It is a difficult pill for me to swallow were I to think that SEO and ERHE's BOD (with all their combined talent) would allow PN to destroy what could end up being a fine asset play were abundant hydrocarbons to be discovered.

As far as DK is concerned, I think he went well beyond the job he was hired to do. Most PR chappies here do not involve themselves in discussions/emails and the like with shareholders. As ERHC's career continues to apparently deteriorate and as we have become increasingly vociferous in our complaints to Keeney, I think he has assumed somewhat of a "bunker" mentality in trying to defend his paycheck. Frustration meets frustration resulting in frustration squared all round.

In the meantime I sit and wait with little else to occupy my free time other than looking at some rather bazaar videos of your Weiner fellow. What a twit. My sympathies to his constituents.

Nighty night T-rex.
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06/09/11 5:15 PM

#240925 RE: tryoty #240902

Personally I am still of the opinion that Ntephe has enough dirt on Offor that Offor won't fire him. Ntephe is obviously not there because he is the best person to run ERHE or even because he is close to being competent. And who do we have on the board or directors that really gives a damn about us shareholders or anything else about how this company performs? I'm sure their D&O insurance policy is large enough to protect them while they totally ignore their fiduciary responsibility to the minority shareholders. In the mean time all of them collect shares and directors fees at our expense with little to worry about and zero input on day to day activities. They are laughing all the way to the bank.

Fact of the matter is, none of them are competent and that includes Blair because of his obvious conflict of interest. None of these guys should be on the board of directors of an oil company because none of them have the qualifications. That is why you are seeing things go so badly with this company. None of them has a clue how to build an oil company nor do they care to learn.