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05/19/05 3:58 PM

#933 RE: purlieu #932

purlieu and all; One thing I've learned from trading pennies is that every stock is different, you can't compare one stocks performance to another, all have different factors driving them. "IF" MLXO doesn't not get this 10K filed in time and gets delisted to the Pink Sheets, as far as Market reaction is concerned, it could go either way, it is definitely not good for the company as far as the cost and time consumption to get back in reporting status. But it could be good in one respect concerning Cornell and their short position. Cornell is a Hedge Fund that doesn't like to hold positions too long when there are considerable risks involved. If MLXO Goes Pink, that means they are no longer required to file 10Q's for one thing, Pink sheets are basically Unregulated as far as filings go, they still have to file an annual statement, but no wheres near as in depth as BB stocks and no Sarbanes-Oxley. I don't know what MLXO has up there sleeve, but I know they do have something and they are playing hardball with Cornell. Going Pink for a short time might be part of their strategy? I don't know. If they go Pink they can do some things without reporting them, things that could put the screws to Cornell. MLXO Could be waiting until the last minute on purpose too, did anyone think of that? You know Cornell is watching like a hawk and Probably reading the message boards to see if they can get any info also. What if MLXO Files at the very last minute and releases a PR with a secured financing deal with someone other than cornell, along with a Buyback plan, and news of new contracts and news of their new plants up and running! What if they released all this at once? The message boards would be humming with MLXO all over and at these depressed prices we would probably see a buying frenzy and Cornell would be covering so fast your head would spin. If I was advising MLXO that would be my plan, hit Cornell with a 1,2,3, PUNCH! The other day when I was on the phone with Tom G. he said he had to let me go because he had to take a call about their FINANCING DEAL! That little tid-bit of info told me that they are definitely working hard on this and are not going to let Cornell Win. Now this is all speculation on my part, but I am betting on this, My Opinion is that MLXO is going to hit Cornell HARD AND FAST when they do. I may be wrong, but if I'm right, I don't feel sorry one bit for those who bailed out! Patience wins out here.


05/19/05 7:12 PM

#941 RE: purlieu #932

purlieu-don't remember any but this stock is not unlike EZTO a pink sheet with nice revs and a low float. It trades around .06-.08 but went to .22 recently. Pinks don't always mean doom and gloom. They also save money by not filing.