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06/08/11 3:01 PM

#33713 RE: reko01 #33657

Thanks. I am here, There was not much need to post we hashed out a ton of stuff last night betweeen a few of us who are invested and others who are not. IMO it was beneficial. I would rather have everything out there and we ended it with the longs still being very confident but also aware. This stock has held the .04's like they are made of concrete and steel! Unreal the strength us longs have. I have neglected a ton of my other stocks for the last month and I do need to make money to pay the bills! I also have some appointments this week I need to get to before I leave town again. I still read every message here as they are all invaluable to me and I learned a lot last night from many posters. I still walked away feeling fine as most did obviously. I also love the fact that I Hub admin came in and gave us a active mod and we have active asst mods who will keep the board on topic and free of spam, personal attacks on either side and allow anyone to post both sides of the story. Anyone who read the board last night can see no mods deleted any negative posts. We listened and also replied the onl posts being removed are TOS violations period! No one was working and removing posts until a new mod was in place and added more asst. mods. one of the mods refused to delete posts unless it was for his own agenda and I hub admin had to keep coming in and restoring them. Topdog is great but he works a lot and the board is so active we need everyone working together to keep it on topic and clean from anyones personal agenda. That is how a good board works. Have respect for both sides of the story here. None of us really knows the exact outcome yet and to say we do is not true. I thought we would be at .25 by now,I was wayyyyyyy off. I am still here.