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Santa Barbara Broker

06/08/11 7:19 AM

#96598 RE: Kung Pao Chicken #96593

Again, what's your point?

Again, I'll be happy to explain it from an even different perspective. Expo Holdings shares haven't been available below .0003 since May 1, 2011 in quantities likely to have been accumulated to any significance by the casual flipper. Although I am certain everyone making such a point bought the same couple of million .0002s at least eight times each, lol. Therefore it is overwhelminging likely since IHUB does not allow multiple aliases, that anyone having been here only since 5/1 would likely have accumulated their Expo shares between .0003 and .0004. While that would technically put them "in the green", it would also, as a matter of practical common sense make it near impossible to unload any significant number of shares at over .0003 or even .0002-.0001 under EXPH's normal relatively light volume. So, anyone in that position would need the PPS to go up under heavy demand for the stock to make a profit. The only way for that to occur is for Expo Holdings to release a series of doublespeak, multiple intepretation PRs implying there is "good news on the way" what is commonly known as a P&D (pump and dump). There is no question about whether Expo Holdings engages in such activities...they do. Smaller runs are prompted by these once a quarter "photo" tours with, IMHO, pros being hired to pump and run the boards in their big annual P&Ds in September. This leads to the conclusion that anyone finding themselves in such a position pursuing pocket change profits would be prone to complicity with Expo Holdings in promoting fraudulent information....which I am here to counter in hopes of preventing it's spread.

There is no pending great future for Expo Holdings from any logical perspective I can fathom. Without further dilution, I doubt there is any future at all. The only questions to be answered in my opinion are when the next round of dilution starts and how dismal the results of that will be on the current equity of anyone investing LT in EXPH shares. Which is why I make "my point" that people pay attention to the obvious situation staring them in the face. Also that logically, no one aware of that situation would invest long term in this POS equity conversion scam (as is being heavily promoted..."a much brighter future for EXPO") unless they were 1) on the inside and getting temporarily locked, heavily discounted shares or 2) expecting a quick P&D and pumping to aid it with the intention of flipping shares to those people who have been conned. THAT is my point. All IMHO.


06/08/11 10:01 AM

#96608 RE: Kung Pao Chicken #96593


what is interesting is what is viewed as negative
vs what is viewed as *realistic* or even positive

this board was extolled to do comps against other co.s
the irony of course is that if one actually does do
comps against other *UNREGISTERED* OTC CO.s
one's DD reveals exactly how transparent expo holdings

actually is ~

does that remove risk .. god no .. due to the sec
themselves and the mixed signals they allow specific
to co.s on the OTC

that said

expo .. is current thru fy 2009 .. shareholders are
awaiting fy 2010 .. which based on PR's out of mgmt
over the past year .. most can figure out *imo* that
they are god awful

because of course *logic and analysis* kick in where
DD and reality are concerned
.. mgmt articulated exactly
why they were raising the AS <accessing capital> via the
*attempted* spin off of ETC <div> months b4 the totally
unexpected passing of the ceo of WW and of course the
router <workhorse going down> <one event happened in
Q1 2010 the other in Q4 2010>

again when this reality isn't *DISCOUNTED BY ROTE*
it's clear why expo holdings didn't do what was projected
what is truly stunning is that the co. actually survived
which they wouldn't have without their *shareholders*
which mgmt has also stated publicly

the death of the ceo of a *PRIVATE* co. will have an *effect*
upon the implementation of ETC <a product that gets *denigrated*
daily *here* and has since it was first launched *not* coincidently
back on 9/15/2009

fortunately .. the co. survived .. but it's not surprising that
based on the router going down and *timing* <4th Q 2010> that
ETC would be shunted to the co.s back burner while mgmt regrouped
which they did via both CIMA and NRS .. which have also been


what i find beyond disingenuous are *POSTS* about a co. that holds it's
annual SM or has an open door policy for all to visit in person
that gets labeled .. and denigrated .. when pix are posted from
those visits about products manufactured <let alone installed>

i can understand posts <particularly when DD hasn't been done> not
believing aspects re: shares held by jd/glenn <even tho' they are
on record .. both publicly and privately stating that they have
never sold one share and if they have .. they go to jail> as it's
a moot topic/point until those forms are uploaded by mgmt

that is mgmt's call on their time line ..

but that is it

what is owed shareholders are basic

fy 2010 fins/annual
fy 2011 Q1 <that was due mid may 2011>

the forms are what mgmt has promised re: transparency

i see no other unregistered co.s that upload forms

i see no other unregistered co.s that hold annual SMs'

i see no other unregistered co.s that have a TA where OS info
can be ascertained daily .. which i did and is exactly why i
can tell what the differences are on a daily basis from mid
MARCH 2010 to today ~

what i do see is a mgmt working daily in 2010 to survive and
keep their doors open
.. which of course is exactly opposite
of what was expected after shorting 100s of 1000s were *cleared*
and then those *same* shorting the stock to the cellar


one of the key positive aspects that was done and was also criticized

was via the reduction of mgmt issuing PR's .. which shareholders
like myself applauded .. to only material events being PR'd
to say nothing of having their website include a section for
shareholder updates as well as having pix showing *completed* jobs

again that site is denigrated

having been a shareholder of expo's since aug 2008 .. i'm
trying to remember what hasn't been *denigrated* beyond the
TIME OUT for 5 months <may - sep 2009> and the obvious
*planned orchestration* done via wash trading of the co.s shares

which is easily ascertained as the MO was in no way UNIQUE to
expo <multiple co.s suffered the same fate> yet again mgmt got
denigrated for the actions not their own and due to other aspects
actually survived all that *attn*

so thank you for posting here .. it takes some serious intestinal
fortitude as any *posts* with *balance* get immediately *denigrated*

all jmo