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06/07/11 9:22 AM

#1076 RE: NHred #1075

I doubt they have the whole 5 Million YET......not sure anything will even show up on this quarterly. BUT I am pretty damned sure Bender would not put his freedom on the line by putting out false information in a PR. He is good at being vaque, but he put out a firm number and I as well as many others believe that this will prove out to be accurate...I am in and will be holding LONG...audited fins. or not I am very encouraged with my position in HYPF.


06/07/11 9:25 AM

#1078 RE: NHred #1075

LOL, why would you say that
they can't prove the 5 million in revenues? Aren't you jumping the gun just a little bit? I believe that you may be in for a nice little surprise when the earnings come out if that is your attitude. Just my opinion but there really is no need to make things up and state things that have not yet come to fruition. My money is on hypf posting their annual report showing the 5 million dollars. It would be rather silly for hypf to press release that 5 million dollar deal and not disclose it to their valued share holders when given the opportunity to do so don't ya think??? LOL jmo M