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06/07/11 1:07 PM

#657 RE: lucknut #656

The white dust was probably that nifty white powder they sell on the street corners.....Let's see, I think it is like the old Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder....yes.....that's what it must be. What else could the white dust be...??


06/07/11 1:10 PM

#658 RE: lucknut #656

My youngest lives in Sherman Oaks (LA area) and is engaged to his live-in JAP who was raised in Calabasas. My son's passion is working with adolescent/young adults with disabilities; he'll never be able to satisfy her "kardashian-like" life style..

My oldest (27) lives in Guadalajara and engaged to a Mexicana. He graduated CalTech Pasadena at age 21 (genius type; GREAT broadly talented - musician/cook/ etc).. and travels "lightly" ... a backpack and friendly face has seen him through his wordly travels. They are in the fiance visa process now so they can relocate in Berkeley Ca area where he will resume his work as a geo/biologist .... She's a Master's Degree research chemist in Guadaljara, works six 7-hour days for $2/hr.....

My wife from Detroit (came here as a student at age 24, I was one of her mentors, ((yes, she got an "A")) - was dx breast cancer 8 years ago and is doing GREAT

check out this link ... you'll see my wife singing about 20 seconds in

back to work - go whiffy!!!!!!