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06/07/11 8:36 AM

#142564 RE: fuagf #142555

Sy Hersh has been right on just about everything he has written, much to the dismay of the Bush admin and now apparently the Obama admin...the US needs to have a boogeyman - for pol purposes no doubt, but also to keep our military in business.

I look forward to Hersh's book on Cheney - Sy Hersh does his homework!


06/21/11 7:51 AM

#144227 RE: fuagf #142555

Israel reveals it has returned hundreds of kilograms of nuclear waste to U.S.

The nuclear research facility in Dimona.
Israel's Nuclear Energy Commission head tells IAEA commission that Sorek reactor's nuclear waste was returned to U.S. as part of agreement, while Dimona still stores nuclear waste.
16:48 20.06.11
Israel has returned hundred of kilograms of nuclear waste from its nuclear reactor in Nahal Sorek to the U.S., the head of Israel's Nuclear Energy Commission Dr Shaul Horev revealed on Monday.
Speaking at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ministerial conference on nuclear safety in Vienna, Horev did not specify the exact amount of waste that had been returned, but according to estimates, Israel has sent back at least hundreds of kilograms' of 93% enriched uranium, which was used to power the Sorek reactor.
The agreement with the U.S. does not apply to the Dimona nuclear reactor, where international sources believe Israel produces fissile material from uranium and produces plutonium for stockpile of nuclear weapons, and waste from Dimona is not being returned to the U.S.
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