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06/06/11 6:59 PM

#4811 RE: swingbigbaby #4810

I will answer your post with replies with in the post itself...

And all of that is coming..."soon." having traded on the sub penny market for over 7 years now I can tell you with 100% certainty that the sigle worst word any poster or company can use is "soon" The company is not in a position to announce a deal as of yet you speak here as if you have first hand knowledge of what they can and cant do or when they will, but you are not at liberty to say, when they will announce something. You dont so you should not post as if you do. ...I am overwhelmingly confident they will be "soon" but as of right now there is not much they can firmly say.Again you use the term soon and this time you are firmly, another indicator that you possible have insider information...and again you dont. And I do not believe anything they can say at the moment, will drive the price above .0035 and sustain it at those levels. This comment makes it seem that you seem to know what it is I would like to see when it comes to the current PPS...I am not interested in the PPS moving, as I said on 3 or 4 occassions, I am interested in an update as the rumor mill is now effecting the credibility of the stock. Your first post on these boards was June I'm guessing you're a new shareholder (as am I...I bought in 2-3 months ago.) With that being said, why should the CEO authorize a PR because there are some new shareholders and some flippers on the iHUB boards who want a spike in the pps so they can sell and make some fast-money. Again you are or not I am new has no baring on if the CEO should be communicating with Shareholders... what does have a baring is the fact that this stock has gone from a pre June 2 PR average volume of just over 3 mill shares a day to its current level of 24 million shares and thats down from the two day we had that were in and close to the 100 million mark. Volume is what drove this up and volume is what is driving it down...if the CEO wants to ensure his stock is not seen as a pump and dump, but want all investors new or old to know he is serious about where they put their money, he will put out an update. Your reference to him saving or spending $300 bucks for a PR has no merit whats so ever. A company selling products for $1000.00's of dollars or one that is partnering with the likes of GE should not be concerning itself with the cost of a $300 PR.

Don't get me a trader, I'd LOVE to see that. I have 5 million at an average pps of about .0015 so I'd love to see it go .0035 bid on a PR. I'd sell at those levels and then enter GTC orders to but 2.5 million at .0021 and another 2.5 million at .0016 or so. But from the company's standpoint...why bother? Especially when they know "soon" they will be able to issue a PR that I'm overwhelmingly confident will be able to drive and sustain the PPS WELL above the .0035 levels.

The CEO has said that he does not issue fluff PRs so when there is something to be said that will have a material impact then he will not hesitate to say it. I believe the average PR costs about $350-400 to issue and dissemminate to the public so I just don't understand why he should be obligated to issue a PR if, at this time, what he is able to say will most likely not lead to a sustained pps at much higher levels. PR's come in many different colors so to speak.. some are meant to increase the PPS others will kill it if the news is bad...and some are just informational. Company's have a duty to keep shareholders informed as to what progress they are making be it good or bad...thats the sole issue here. You are the one that seems inclined to bring PPS into the conversation. If you have some doubts as to what is in the works then I just suggest you give their investor relations a call. This one is just funny when you stop and think about what you are saying. I would no more call an IR guy and ask about pending PR's then I would call and Steve Jobs for the actual release date of the next iPhone. PR information is classified under the SEC regulation concerning privileged information. And the term "soon" is as realivant as saying "in the coming months" Just so you know, by definition the word "soon" has to actual time limit...She might say I will be having my baby soon" But the actual time is 3 months.. or Soon it will be July 4th... its soon because its sooner then Thanksgiving. But he has said that a PR is coming "soon" (soon being his words) so I would not worry too much. Could be tomorrow, next week or next month...they would all constitute "soon" to me.

And the final contridiction in say the CEO should not issue any type of PR now since he will be issueing one soon...but soon for you can be any if the CEO wants to let us all just sit for days..weeks or months we should not worry since those time frames all constitute soon to you. Huh??