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06/06/11 2:10 PM

#4110 RE: steve5 #4108

It has never really been a long term investment for me, that's why I jumped in and out when I did. This company is intriguing and for awhile seemed to be doing all the right things. But when you dig deeper you see all the pitfalls, those I have previously mentioned. But I stick with it to see if they can turn this around. I will wait until the financials come out. Honestly this annual report I foresee more debt, less revenue. The next quarter I hope to see improvements but not if the information flow is non existent. They lost money with Montana, they gave away over 8 million shares to Roswell for the finacing fee's, there is no sound financial discipline from what I can tell. Tey should be concentrating on using what they have to full capacity, marketing their product, and once successful then expand. I'll watch until the first quarter financials, only out of curiosity do I stay that long, after that you won't see me around unless this company show's honest improvement ie profits. After five years they should be profitable but we will see. Hopefully this will all change for the better. Though we do see things differently, I see no fundamentals being followed, nothing positive going forward. This company needs cash and they need it quickly or both JV's will fall through. And I never heard from Mr Edge, Still don't know what Dr Freeman or Mr Mcdonald is doing for CPOW. Haven't heard from IBA since my initial emails. Have heard nothing from Roswell Financing. All seems to me to be very negative, and the only PR they put out is that they are doing a "slight" improvement with a possible revenue increase of 2 million (never mentioned anything about profit). Just how are they increasing revenue and why such a vague pr? It's their standard operating procedure. So that's why I'm more negative, but nothing is impossible so I do stay hopeful, cautiously so.