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06/05/11 2:08 PM

#808 RE: fourkids_9pets #807


i'll be more than happy to post the FACTS
specific to exph's volume .. which include
every trade done on the stock and reported
to FINRA .. via the MMs' each and every month

the co. diluted 2.3 BILLION shares from march 2010
to feb 3rd 2011 .. it is fact and noted by the co.
as to exactly why it was done .. and explained on
their website <shareholders' section> as well as
via the NV SOS and of course those of us who did
actually call the co.s TA *daily* .. and kept records
of when certs were *issued* specific to each and
every day from march 24th 2010 to feb 3rd 2011

what is remarkably revealing is that the volume
done when the float was 100M <2009> was on avg 40M

today with a float of approx 1 BILLION the avg volume
runs 4M shares

which clearly confirms aspects known to those who've
done *excellent* DD .. exph shares are scarcer than
hens' teeth and are held tightly and some of those certs
have never been deposited in any brokerage acct which of
course explains *some* clearing firms BS specific to exph

regardless the true issue is two fold ..

first the co. didn't shutter their doors like so many others
did b4 them who *underwent* the same *particular* brand of attn
that presents the real issue

which of course is the money involved that the *abusive* shorts
will have to *reconcile* .. even if only a fraction <percentage
wise> is *addressed*

it's also clear that expo holdings has competitors who would
welcome the co.s demise ~

sorry abusive shorts and *slimy competition* .. it's not happening

all jmo