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05/18/05 3:04 PM

#9859 RE: Michael Allard #9858

michael, the latin american amigos basically sat on this company and did absolutely zip over the last 12 months. the last of them was ousted by the large investors at a meeting in Dec and they put shilling in charge. he's not the final answer but has made immediate progress. settled most all outstanding fights over wrongly issued shares (won couple court cases), finally got trial phones manufactured (coming in June), got demo phones done (for next week's start of demo's), for 10k's done (last one actually on time), did deal with Franc Telecom (first real deal).

have 12 NDA's and field trials set up to begin soon. I know at least one is with a mjor US carrier, although dont know who.

in short, the amigos held us back. i was a doubter but i'm on board (and have been below $1)

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05/18/05 4:36 PM

#9877 RE: Michael Allard #9858

coming weeks will pin ASNAP to NDA's imho EOM