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06/03/11 1:55 PM

#96212 RE: Penny Profit Hog #96210

Penny Profit Hog,

I am currently a bagholder of EXPH and I won't touch another share while current management is at work. They've lied to SOR's one too many times. That is not an opinion...that is a fact!!!!

You would be far better off to invest in a lemonade stand than to buy EXPH at this point in time.



06/03/11 2:18 PM

#96216 RE: Penny Profit Hog #96210

first piece of advice
take all posts on a smb
with a massive grain of salt

i'm an actual shareholder in expo
and have been since aug 2008

however i also wasn't sure they
would survive the global meltdown
of sept 2008 coupled with overall
credit seizing up .. which cost the
co. at least ONE customer who filed
for BK .. left them holding the bag
on others .. and had some customers
delaying or outright canceling orders

this co. is totally legit but has had
a variety of issues impact them over the
past <almost> 3 years .. which get discounted

my opinion based on tracking almost every trade
since late july 2009 .. is that there is no volume
due to no shares being *legit* sold .. those who
wanted to sell have done so long ago .. based on
relentless pps erosion .. each and every month
which i've also documented via the visual post
as well as others waiting to see what mgmt does
upload and PR .. which makes total sense to me


there is plenty of interest .. lol

there are also bids showing at .0002 ~ over 90M+ shares worth

i personally hope that there is no volume <or uber low volume>
until mgmt uploads and pr's aspects that are expected


fy 2010 <annual>
fy 2011 Q1
forms <showing what insiders hold>
new bod appointments
new ceo

2010 was about as brutal and volatile as it gets

it's worth digesting the shareholders' section on
the expo website .. a site i lobbied for .. months
b4 it made its appearance in feb 2010

if one scrolls down to the bottom and reads up

major aspects are articulated .. including why the AS
was raised and shares were issued by the TA <MAR 2010>

i consider the TA ungagged .. since i'm able to call daily
and get the OS info .. i've also kept a daily calendar and
can tell folks exactly what the OS is each and every day
since MAR 2010 .. this is important since patterns were
clearly shown .. the avg time frame from the AS being
raised via NV SOS .. to those shares being issued by
the TA ~ runs <on avg> 48 hours .. it's telling
*exactly* when the 48 hours runs to 9 days ..
which is exactly what happened re: 11/29/2011

but to be clear the TA's *contract* doesn't cover the
float or restricted shares

one has to determine if what mgmt has publicly stated
about none of them ever selling one share is correct or not

i happen to believe in mgmt's integrity ..

and since i've tracked volume and percentages for almost 2 years
at a guess i'm giving the current float at about 1 BILLION

but considering my millions of shares are included in the FLOAT
but have had GTCs' set against them .. they aren't *accessible*
nor are they being *traded*

i am not alone in this strategy :)


anyhow the co. is legit .. if local to NC i'd highly rec'd
a visit .. if that can't be done .. a call into current mgmt
<with contact info left> will usually get an email or phone
call in response

there are some excellent pix of visits done in the last 2 months
that are worth digesting for recent activity .. as well as what
is shown on the various co. websites

regardless .. gl with your DD and investing/trading

all jmo


06/03/11 2:24 PM

#96218 RE: Penny Profit Hog #96210

I am a shareholder. Any company that won't file financials and leaves the shareholders in the dark is not a stock I would want to defend and support 24/7 365. You want to flip the pos for what it is. A non reporting, heavily diluted, pos, stinky pinky. When interest appears to grow and you see new pictures and faces arriving it means a pump is around the corner. This is one of the more predictable pinkys around. Treat it as you would a cheating spouse. Game on.


06/03/11 2:54 PM

#96219 RE: Penny Profit Hog #96210

I really only trust info coming from current sor's...tia

LOL... did you see share price from last 6 months...from Dec 2010 till now, it did not cross 0.0003. Well, keep relying on people who have been posting same thing day and night from last 3 yrs. Good Luck!

PS: I am a bag holder of this stock due to false promises and lies from the company management.